Year 2 News 21.03.25
This week in our English lessons, we have been focussing on non-fiction writing. We began by grouping sentences together based on a topic and chose appropriate subheadings to go with each paragraph. We then had a go at writing some of our own sentences that linked to a given topic sentence. Using fact files and the chrome books, we researched an African animal of our choice and found out information about its appearance, diet and habitat. We recorded our research in a tree map ready to use in our writing next week.
This week we have been adding the suffixes ful, less and ly to root words.
Continuing our work on multiplication and division, we have been exploring the 5 times table. We looked at a range of multiplication and division calculations and solved these using pictorial representations, arrays and written methods. We then discussed the similarities and differences between both the 5 and 10 times tables. Please have a go at the activities set on Mathletics to consolidate learning. You could also complete the multiplication and division section in your CGP workbook.
Children have been shown how to access TTRockstars. The children have only been set the 2 x, 5 x, 10 x and 3 x tables. Passwords have been sent home.
What are houses like in Mugurameno? How do they build them? How are they similar to our homes? How are they different? These were the questions we explored in this week’s geography lesson. We looked at images of the houses in the village of Mugarameno, Zambia and discussed the different features we could see. We were very surprised to find out that they make their own bricks by digging up clay, mixing it with water, moulding it and then leaving it to dry in the sun.
We have been working on our final pieces this week, inspired by the work of Edward Tinga Tinga. We began by drawing the outline of an animal using the skills we learnt in last week’s lesson. We then chose a bright colour to paint the background of our design. We added a black outline and created patterns on our animals with felt tips.

Rail Safety Assembly
2BW had lots of fun taking part in the live streamed assembly with National Rail. We hope to have the full lesson available to watch by next week. As this was streamed live, 2LA were able to watch from their classroom. We all completed some fun activities afterwards.
This week we investigated catapults. We looked at some different designs using lolly sticks, elastic bands and spoons then had a go at making our own!


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