Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 27.10.23


This week in English we have been focussing on developing our own veggie characters. We have written some brilliant character descriptions focussing on using right choice adjectives to describe the character’s personalities and appearance. We added extra detail about their super powers too.


This week we have been focussing on all the ways to spell the long ‘i’ sound. Children have been collecting words with igh, ie, i-e and y as well as learning the Year 2 words kind, mind, find, behind, climb.

Thank you for your support with learning spellings at home.


This week in maths we have been adding by making 10 first. For example to work out 8 + 6, children start by adding 2 to make 10 then add the remaining 4. This has been quite tricky for children to grasp but is a useful mental method. Watching this number blocks episode may help!

We have also been adding 3 single digit numbers. One method we have tried is looking for a pair to 10 to add together first. e.g. When adding together 3 + 5 + 7, children add the 7 + 3 together first to make 10, then add the remaining 5 to make 15.


We have designed, made and evaluated our moving pictures. We showed our moving pictures to Nursery and Reception. They loved them! Well done Year 2.

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