Year 2 News 28.2.25
We have had a wonderful first week back after the holidays and have been busy learning about lots of new topics!
This week in our English lessons we have been looking at the Tinga Tinga tale ‘Why Elephant Has a Trunk’ inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Just So’ stories. We began by watching the story and discussing the different characters and plot. We wrote a book review explaining which was our favourite part and character and why. We then used a range of right choice adjectives to describe what the elephant was like at the beginning of the story then contrasted this with what he was like in the end. We finished the week by sequencing the story using time adverbials.
This week in maths we have been learning about division as both grouping and sharing. We introduced the divide symbol and children can now write division number sentences.
We can think of 12 divided by 3 as how many groups of 3 in 12 or we can share 12 into 3 equal groups.
He we are showing this practically:

This week, we packed our suitcases and boarded a plane to Africa! After 9 hours in the air, we safely landed in Zambia ready to explore and learn more about how a village there contrasts with Farsley. We made sure to pack our sun cream because we knew that it would be hot near the equator. When we arrived, we plotted our journey on a map and wrote some facts about Africa.

In our art lesson, we explored the African art known as Tingatinga art. We learned about its founder Edward Tingatinga and enjoyed looking at some of the work he created using ceiling tiles and bicycle paint! We then chose our favourite picture to draw in our sketch books.

In science we explored how we can bend, stretch, twist or squash some objects/materials.

World Book Day
Next week we will be celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 6th March. We have had some entries already for our read your way photo competition and read aloud competition but it would be great to receive lots more! Please refer to the letter and previous emails for more details.
Wear Red Day
Thank you to everyone for supporting the Children’s Heart Surgery Fund.

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