Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 31.01.25

Florence Nightingale Workshop

On Tuesday we had a visit from ‘Florence Nightingale’! She told the children all about her life and the challenges she faced. We enjoyed being nurses at the teddy bear hospital. We then looked at some artefacts and talked about what they could be and why Florence would need them.


In our history lesson we recapped what we have learned about both Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. The children then discussed and sorted some statements to compare the two.


In English this week we have written our own magic medicine stories. We focussed on writing clear sentences using capital letters and full stops. Children added description into their stories and used time phrases such as suddenly or just then to introduce the next part. They all wrote an exciting story with a beginning, middle and end.


This week we have learned to spell words ending ey such as key, donkey, money and valley. Please have a go at the sentences activity on your spelling sheet.


In maths we have been making different amounts of money choosing notes and coins. We used toy money to help us. We then looked at different ways to make the same amount. Children have compared amounts of money saying which is more and have also done some calculating with money too!


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