Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 7.02.25


This week we completed a book review of George’s Marvellous Medicine. The children started by saying what the story was about, then wrote about their favourite parts and characters. They finished by saying who they thought would like the book and why. The children have really enjoyed this- why not try another Roald Dahl book?

We then moved onto looking at features of a diary and practised writing in the first person. Next week, we will be writing a diary entry for Florence Nightingale.


We have been learning how to spell words beginning wr such as write, wrist and wriggle. Please complete the wordsearch for your spelling homework task this week.


We have completed our Money topic today. This week children have been learning all about giving change; we used number bonds to support this concept. Children can practise giving change using this online activity. Children have also been solving two step problems involving money.

We have now assigned the money activities on Mathletics and children can also have a go at the money questions in their CGP work books.


This week we learned about another famous nurse called Nellie Spindler. Nellie Spindler was born in Wakefield and trained to be a nurse in Leeds. We learned that she helped soldiers in World War 1. Sadly she died in the war. Children ordered key events in her life and talked about which events were significant. We then compared Nellie with Florence Nightingale.


Today in science we compared different fabrics to see which would be the best for bedroom curtains. We decided to set up a box as the bedroom and made a window. We then covered the window with the different fabrics and shined a torch in. We peeped through a small gap to see how much light was let through. We concluded that the silver material was the best because it blocked out the most light.


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