Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 7.3.25

It’s been another busy week in Year 2 this week and we have particularly enjoyed learning how to skip and celebrating all things reading!

World Book Day

On World Book day this year, we enjoyed 4 different sessions in all the KS1 classes. Mrs Tomlinson read a book called ‘I like Myself’, Mrs Broadhead read ‘ You must bring a Hat’, Mrs Lace read ‘100 Cats’ and Mrs Wilson read ‘The Dot’. The children then enjoyed some activities based on the different books. We also designed a book token for the World Book day competition.

We thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of your photo entries and videos for the read aloud your way competition. We had a special assembly to celebrate these. Well done to everyone who took part this year. Special congratulations to our read aloud winners Emily and Sanvi and our photo winner Edie.

Reading Buddies

We loved meeting up with our reading buddies to make bookmarks.

Skipping Workshop

We had lots of fun in our workshop with Skipping School this week and learnt lots of new skills.


Continuing our work on Tinga Tinga tales, this week we have been exploring the story ‘Why giraffe has a long neck?’ After listening to the story, we collected words and phrases to describe what giraffe was like at the beginning of the story compared with at the end. We used this vocabulary to write our own descriptions of the giraffe. We then sequenced the key events in the story and used time adverbials to explain when each event happened.


This week we have been looking at words like usual, treasure and vision where the s makes a zh sound.


In our maths lessons this week, we have been exploring multiplication and division with a focus on the 2 x table. We have learned that doubling is the same as x2 and that halving is divide by 2.


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