Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 Blog 23.6.2023

Hi all,

We have had another fun and exciting week in Year 5 this week.

In English we completed writing persuasive letters to Smaug the Dragon to try to persuade him to give up his treasure and leave the mountain. The children did an excellent job, using a wide range of persuasive techniques, including rhetorical questions, emotive language, extra evidence and a range of cohesive devices.


In Maths we have been working on angles. The children have persevered and worked hard to become proficient at using protractors, a tricky skill. They have learnt to sort shapes into regular and irregular shapes and measure angles within shapes. Here are some videos that might help. Homework is a revision lesson from year 4 about triangles.


We have been conducting a lot of Science investigations based on forces this week. In 5KH we made parachutes and tested how long it took them to fall to the ground. We changed one variable such as the size of the canopy and measured the change in speed.

Testing Parachutes

We also tested friction by draging an object across different surfaces and measuring the force required on a Newton Meter.

Poetry Performance

This week, we also began learning our class poem The River. The children did an excellent job of beginning to learn and perform the poem in groups. We will eventually perform it to the other year groups in school.



We have sent home a letter with details for our final year 5 visit to Malham. 5KH will be going on Monday 10th July and 5KE on Thursday 13th July. Please make the small contribution on ParentPay if you can and see the letter for details of what your child will need.

City Concert at First Direct Arena

8 children from Y5 had a wonderful experience on Thursday performing in front of thousands at a huge concert at the Leeds Arena. The children joined hundreds of others singing 4 beautiful songs.

Super Y5 Mathematicians

A team of Y5 mathematicians represented the school at a maths competition earlier this week at GSAL. Completing a series of challenges, the Farfield team came third out of 20 schools: an impressive effort! The children have won a class visit to a new attraction in the Leeds Trinity: Maths City.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Kroon and Mrs Kenvyn


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