Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 03.05.24

This week we have really settled into our revision stride. The children continue to impress us with their confidence and resilience and they’ve done incredibly well with everything we have asked of them. A few children have mentioned revision at home over this bank holiday weekend. We would suggest little and often; MUCH more important than revision is that they have a rest, lots of fresh air and good sleep.

Here are some websites to use to revise if you’d like to – don’t forget spelling shed and mathletics are brilliant resource which we have access to!

Guardians of Mathematica – great for games which cover most of the curriculum we have learnt


BBC spelling


Maths bot – brilliant for arithmetic practise


Natural Curriculum – grammar related tasks and activities all based around the wonder of nature


Corbett maths – videos, questions and answers on every maths topic imaginable!


This week in history we have written postcards in role as different characters from the time of the Industrial Revolution. We tried to show the reasons people might want to move from the country to the city and then write a second postcard which shows the harsh reality of city life.

Here is a folder of some of our work


2 pages Maths and English revision

1000 mathletics points for next week Friday.

Extreme Reading



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