Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 28.2.25

We have had a lovely first week back with the children raring to go and producing some excellent work.


We were introduced to our new text for the next few weeks: The Highwayman. Both classes put on their acting shoes and had a go at freeze framing some of the stanzas after looking in detail at the poem.

Pictures here of 6D

Pictures here of 6J

Here is a video of the poem if you’d like to familiarise yourself!

Along with drama, we wrote in role as Bess, the tragic heroine of the poem, and produced some wonderful writing. We will be sharing some of this next week with you.


Percentages and fractions oh how we love thee… Percentages have been something the children have been asking to learn about for a while and we finally arrived at this unit of maths. They can be tricky to understand and so we spent some time this week looking at how we can use our knowledge of fractions to help us.

Here is a link for a little game to play to help you remember. Try level 2


World Book Day

It is World Book Day on Thursday 6th March (next week!) As part of World Book Day we are holding a ‘Read Your Way’ competition where we are asking children to upload a video of them reading their way form here We would love to encourage Year 6 to take part in this competition and display their incredible prosody skills, so we are offering the chance to take off TWO PAGES of homework in exchange for a reading video. The choice is theirs…

We will be having an assembly with a visiting author on Tuesday and taking part in other activities throughout the week such as designing our own book token and visiting our reading buddies. Children are welcome to dress up on Thursday – here is a message from Mr Harris explaining more:

‘If children would like to dress up as a book character, that is fantastic. We are conscious that a costume every year is quite a challenge, so children are also very welcome to come in their own clothes that day or any other clothing that reflects the WBD theme of ‘Read Your Way’. ‘

There will also be a book fair at school in the junior building from Wednesday 12th – Monday 17th March


English – choice of language (pages 12 and 13)and suffixes (page 53)

Maths – multiply and divide with decimals (page 19) and equivalent fractions and decimals (pages 37 and 38)

Spelling shed x 5 games

Extreme Reading – daily.

Have a lovely weekend – enjoy the sunshine!


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