Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 31.1.25

Trip to the Royal Armouries

Thank you to all families who have been able to contribute towards our trip to the Royal Armouries on Tuesday 11th (6D) and Friday 14th (6J) February. We have asked for a voluntary contribution of £5 per child to cover the cost of the trip and would like to politely remind you that if we do not receive enough contributions, the trip may not be able to go ahead. If possible, can all payments be made by next Friday 7th February.


This week the children learned all about adaptation. They were fascinated to find out about the three layers of eyelashes on a camel and the black skin of a polar bear and what these adaptations were for. Children spent some time researching different animals and the ways in which their adaptations help them survive in their natural habitats. Here is some of our work:

6D pictures here:

6J here:

Year 6 slides here:


It was debate time in class this week. Children were split into teams to argue whether Joey, the horse, should have been sold in our class novel War Horse. We were impressed with their enthusiasm and passion!


Here is a leaflet for parents which may be helpful for you regarding the KS2 National Assessments which will take place in May.


English – Colons, semicolons and dashes (white booklet pages 46 and 47)

Maths – conversion, time and money (white booklet pages 55-59) This is quite a lot so we ask that children focus in order on the areas they need to look at the most and only do 30 minutes. The rest can then be done in class next week.

Spelling Shed – x 5 games.

Have a lovely weekend.


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One Comment

  • Jade Thomson says:

    Hello, please can the work for 6J be uploaded as it hasn’t got a link for the past couple of weeks, thanks so much