Farsley Farfield Primary School

  • Be a good learner

  • Superb grounds

  • Superb grounds

  • A great place to play

  • A high tech education

  • Artistic

  • Adventurous

  • Inquisitive

  • Fun!

  • Great learning

  • Sporty

  • Dazzling!

  • Locally-unique Farfield Farm

  • Farfield Farm

  • Farfield Farm

Important Dates

This Week's Ethos Statement

Farsley hexagons

I can organise myself.


Farsley Farfield Primary School has a huge amount to offer your child:  many unique qualities that will combine to offer a rich and engaging education. The school has good standards of attainment, extensive grounds, great sports provision, brilliant IT resources and an exciting curriculum. We are a popular, diverse and inclusive school. In June 2017, we were awarded the accolade of national Healthy School of the Year! In September 2023, Ofsted concluded – yet again – that we are a good school with a vibrant, ambitious curriculum and elements of exceptional practice. In the summer of 2022, our children achieved great success in Year 6 SATs, posting results well above national averages and in the top 20% of schools nationally in many measures for both higher attainment and progress. Results in 2023 were positive too.

We hope that this website provides you with the information that you need. Click here for the prospectus. Please contact us, by phone, email, letter or in person, if you need any assistance. We don’t have ‘Open Days’; please contact the office for a school tour with the headteacher (or deputy) during a normal school day.

Headteacher's Blog

Friday 12 July 2024:

This is such a busy time of year. Last weekend we had our annual Camp-Over which was a big success again. Our PTA really are magnificent: putting so much time and effort into putting on fabulous events that also raise funds for the school. On Tuesday we got our statutory Y6 SATs results. The Read More

Latest News

Junior Sports Day 2024

Thursday 11 July 2024

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Tuesday 11 June 2024